Noria ARAI
ノリア アライ
現代アーティスト/ Contemporary Artist. Photography, video and poetry.
2020/06 duo show with Ishiko Mari „感情“ at gallery BOHAI, Hanover, Germany
2020/2 solo show „facial feedback“ at feldfünf, Berlin, Germany
2019/6 solo show „品“ at Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf, Germany
2018/11 solo show „DU“ at The Blend Inn, Osaka, Japan
2018/01 graduate exhibition at gallery GAF Hanover, Germany
2017/12 „土の中の郵便局“ duo-show with Itai Minako at the former Hiroshima Bank, Japan 2016/04 solo show „a part“ at Gallery 611 Hiroshima, Japan
2021 project fund for an experimental film script book by Neustart Kultur / VG Bildkunst, Berlin 2020 art director of a „virtual open house day“ at the Japanese German Center Berlin
2019 AIR, 3 months, feldfünf, Berlin
2018 AIR, 3 months, the blend inn, Osaka
2018 assistant director of the Japanese short film „Oshirasama Kagami“ by Takashi Arai, Iwate 2016-2018 assistance at gallery Intersection 611, Hiroshima